What happens if I get back together with my ex after a long time?

What happens if I get back together with my ex after a long time?

When we break up with our ex-partner and he asks us for a second chance, which we don't want to give him because we are no longer in love, he was unfaithful to us or he made some mistakes, there is the possibility that he will ask us for a second chance or that with the passing of Over the months or years we begin to wonder about what happens if I get back together with my ex after a long time.

Faced with this, the issue of wanting to get back with an ex is not something that everyone likes, because most had bad experiences during the relationship and therefore it caused them a lot of damage. There are those who think that it is a good option to return with the ex-partner , while there are some who do not, either because they ended up injured or because they simply want to turn the page and leave that behind.

Returning with my ex after a long time is an issue that can turn our heads as long as the relationship has been pleasant, calm and without toxicity, that it ended because they had other plans on a personal level, but that there were never any disagreements during the time they were together. However, if, even though the years have passed and you are still in love or attracted to your ex-partner, but it is not reciprocal, it is better that you move away and close that cycle before getting hurt.

Even meeting our ex-partner after a long time makes, in some cases, the feelings are stirred or we remember what the relationship was, because it is a reaction that our brain has. When it was a pleasant and loving union, there is simply gratitude towards that person, but if it was the opposite, the best thing is that there are no regrets.

If you are going to return with your ex-partner after a long time, you should take into account the following:

  1. Acknowledge the mistakes you made, apologize and avoid repeating them, because that being the case, it would not make sense to recover the relationship.
  2. Do not use sexual relations to "solve" problems and differences, this will cause it to deteriorate little by little.
  3. Believing that everything has a solution is a complicated matter, because there are problems that once they are solved, end the relationship.

Although getting back together with your ex-partner is the most common thing in recent times, there are few relationships that are more solid, stable and mature when they get back together.


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