Get your partner back: the no contact rule

Get your partner back: the no contact rule

If it is about getting your ex partner back, applying the no contact rule is what you have to do. It seems paradoxical, or even counterproductive, but leaving contact with your ex partner to try to get him back is one of the golden rules in this mission. It is said that between 30 and 90 days is the time necessary for your ex partner to miss you and look for you again.

Of course, the no-contact rule does not always work even if you apply it perfectly. That has to do with the reasons for the break; If they left because of an infidelity or because it was a 'toxic relationship', believe me that there will be no strategy that will work, however if it is another minor matter and the affection still remains, then rest assured that it will work for you.

In any case, whether it works or not, applying the no contact rule will bring you many benefits, since it will help you to see things with perspectives, work on yourself and above all, eliminate or reduce the dependency that you may have developed while being with that person. person.

So what is the no contact rule?

As the name implies, the no contact rule states that if you want to get your ex back there must be no contact at all for a while (between 30 and 90 days), or it can be intermittent. It all depends on the case, the situation and especially on your ex-partner.

For example, it may be that breaking absolute contact with your ex partner, transmits the message that you already passed from him / her, so it would be convenient to use intermittent contact, that is, not every day but every 7 or 15 days; A message to greet him or to know how he is is enough, what is necessary so that he knows that you have not forgotten him, you still care but you can live perfectly without him / her.

How to apply the no contact rule?

If you want to do it correctly you should not:

What to do for the duration of the no contact rule?

Do not stay waiting, or getting overwhelmed, take advantage of the time during which you apply the rule of no contact to work on yourself; in reflecting on the causes of the breakup and if you have some responsibility for it.

Exercise to calm anxiety and pain and focus your thoughts on other things. Change your look, learn a new skill, it is a time for you and for your ex partner to see that you are not still the same. That is sure to increase the chances that he wants to get back with you. Cheer up!


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