How do I know when I should end the relationship?

How do I know when I should end the relationship?

When we start a relationship we have the illusion that it is like a movie, full of love, affection, beautiful words and acts, romance, until we get old and so on, but most of the time we do not achieve something like that but rather we give up along the way. On many occasions there is always one of the two who is more in love, therefore it is the one who finds it most difficult to end the relationship, find the time to do it, overcome the breakup and who always apologizes or endures some situation, although it should not be So, this is why we will show you below how to know when I should end the relationship:

There is no longer trust or love

Without a doubt, when there is no trust or love, it is difficult for the relationship to move forward. This is a fundamental factor for the relationship, because if we are sharing our time with someone, it must be with whom we feel full security and trust. Trust does not always end for reasons of infidelity, there are also other reasons why it ceases to exist. If you no longer feel confident in the relationship, it is best to end it.

There is no connection

When there is mutual love and what we usually call chemistry in a love relationship goes out, it is a complicated matter. Our partner is the one with whom we share a few hours of our time, our tastes, feelings, with whom we laugh, cry and enjoy, that person with whom we plan our lives and with whom we dream many things. When the connection ends, the attention, love, nice words or anything simply no longer arise, it is time to end.

It becomes a toxic relationship

If the first few months it was a calm, beautiful, pleasant relationship and time later one of the two and even of the two takes an unexpected turn that begins to be another person, changing their way of being with you, the way they treat you and talk to you, start adapt other behaviors, mistreat me physically and verbally, to want to impose things in your life and others, be sure that you are already in a toxic relationship and that is when you must immediately decide to end the relationship, because if you do not do so it can start to arise depression in your life

when sex is bad

Possibly at the beginning of the relationship you felt a connection with your partner at the time of intimacy, because you felt that there was love, delicacy and affection, that you had a pleasant time and it occurred in quiet moments full of passion, but over time it ceased to be So one of the two and even the two began to use sex as an escape from problems, that is, they argued and to "solve it" they went to bed, which is not good because the problems accumulate and at the moment of exploding it can be dangerous, as it may also be that one of the two makes the other feel uncomfortable during intimacy, either because of a comment towards his body or something he is doing.

How to end the relationship?

When we decide to end the relationship, it is because we have been assimilating the idea for some time, so it is important to keep this in mind:

  1. Prepare: We must think in advance what we are going to say to our partner so as not to make him feel bad or guilty.

  2. Be respectful: There may be strong reasons why you decide to end the relationship, but you must speak respectfully and find the right words to do so.

  3. Say it in person: This will allow your partner to feel that the decision is serious and will also help you face it in the same way.

Getting over a breakup is not easy, but you should try to do it if you don't feel good in the relationship, remember that after the storm comes calm. To distract yourself try to go out with your friends, family, travel, do what you like and help you clear your mind.


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