Tips for practicing tantric sex with your partner and not die trying

Tips for practicing tantric sex with your partner and not die trying

Tantric sex is a way of having sex, which can offer you and your partner the possibility of reaching another level of ecstasy. Tantric sex is a tool that can help you increase sexual energy, get to know each other and strengthen the relationship.

Tantric sex is based on shared enjoyment, a bridge to reach higher levels of spiritual development, bringing you closer to divine states. Tantric sex allows you to play with flavors, your energy, oils, massages, and more.

Here are 4 tips to encourage your partner to have sexual pleasure in another way.

Tips and recommendations to learn to practice tantric sex

  1. Eliminate all those distracting elements that prevent you from being present in the moment. One idea may be to use a blindfold, to help expand all the other senses. Let yourself be carried away by the sensations that you experience through feathers, music, oils, aromas, caresses, massages and kisses.
  2. Remember that the goal of tantric sex is not orgasm. The moment you stop focusing on your genitals, you will see how every pore in your body exudes sexual energy. By strengthening your pelvic muscles, along with breathing and practice, you will be able to climax without ejaculating.
  3. Accept what you are, love how you are. Only then will you overcome the fear of not looking good without clothes. Sex does not equal intimacy. You have to create a space of trust between two worlds that meet and accept each other.
  4. The important thing in tantric sex is not the act itself, but the journey to pleasure. Tantra awakens the kundalini energy; an invisible force that helps us advance spiritually and unblocks fears and prejudices.
  5. The best moment of tantric sex can be post-sex. When a connection is achieved from the being, a unique experience is shared that cannot be defined.

Do not think that tantric sex is breathing hours until you are bored. If you are looking for a deeper level of connection, dare to experience something different. That is why they call it the "holy grail" of sex.


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