How to tell my partner that I am pregnant?

How to tell my partner that I am pregnant?

When we have a relationship and as it flows, we begin to dream and plan about what life as a couple will be like and what may possibly happen in the future; Normally, they talk about personal projects, possible marriage, professional projects that would be carried out during the relationship, about whether they want to have children , adopt or simply not have them.

Regarding this, there are many couples who want to have children and plan it from the moment they realize that they are made for each other. They hope to be professionals, get a stable job or undertake, buy a house to formalize the home, get married and have children, because they consider this to be a perfect method to give a good quality of life to the baby, although there are those who do not see it as necessary.

It is noteworthy that there are women who cannot have children or have many difficulties to have one, but once it is conceived, it generates a lot of emotion for the first person to find out, that is, the mother, who immediately begins to think: how to tell my couple that I am pregnant, because this is an emotional moment for both of us, especially if they have been planning it for a long time.

Ideas to tell my partner that I am pregnant

Pregnancy test in a gift box

Without a doubt, the pregnancy test in a gift box is one of the most traditional and famous ideas on how to tell my partner that I am pregnant, and it is also tender and exciting to see the expression of happiness that your partner will have once they discover The surprise. You can leave the pregnancy test in the places where your partner goes the most or leave clues around the house as to where the lost treasure will be found or simply give him the box and let him open it himself to see this beautiful gift.

Leave baby things anywhere

This method of leaving baby things anywhere is fun, since you can leave clothes, accessories, toys, products and any other baby things scattered around the house, in the car, at their workplace or on their clothes; Even when buying food or things for the home, you can add some baby product little by little, they will realize that you are trying to tell them something important and that's how it will be, they will be parents! There is no doubt that children are the best gift a couple can receive when they decide to have one.

a special video

One of the most tender ideas for your partner to know that you are pregnant is to show him or her from a special video, in which you can include photos of when you were both babies, images of pregnancy, ultrasound photos and finally the pregnancy test, it does not fit He doubts that in this way he will be surprised and probably have a tear or two. You can show him this video on a special date, such as his birthday or anniversary date, but as long as you are at least 2 months pregnant and your belly is not visible at all.

Asking ourselves about how to tell my partner that I am pregnant is undoubtedly an exciting and satisfying moment that fills us with nerves, because in addition to being parents we want to find a special idea to tell the couple that we are expecting a baby. With these ideas to tell my partner that I am pregnant , there is no doubt that he will be surprised no matter which of the three options you use.


How to tell my partner that I am pregnant?

How to tell my partner that I am pregnant?

Wondering how to tell my partner that I am pregnant is an exciting, satisfying and nerve-wracking moment, because we will be parents soon

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