10 tips to make my in-laws like me

When we begin a courtship with that special person, we always think about what the next step will be, which is to meet our in-laws , what we call the 'litmus test'. Both men and women at some point have felt that fear, because for us it is important to like or have the approval of our partner's parents even if we feel a little nervous when the time comes, but this is a step that must be followed to maintain a good relationship.
Here are some tips to make your in-laws like you
Before seeing your in-laws, tell your partner to tell you a little about them , about their interests, tastes, preferences, beliefs, ideologies, among others. This will work so that you don't make any joke while you are talking with your in-laws and in this way you don't feel embarrassed.
Present yourself well dressed but without neglecting your style. It is not about pretending or leaving aside your personality, this first meeting will be essential to meet your in-laws and it is important to generate a good impression of yourself and be totally honest.
Being punctual will allow your in-laws to think that you are a serious and educated person. Although punctuality is not considered something important because it is, it speaks volumes about itself.
On this first date you can bring a gift to your in-laws and it should not be something expensive , much less luxurious. If you eat at home you can take some cookies or desserts and if it is in a restaurant you can pay half of the bill, although this is up to each person.
Do not forget to say thank you when your in-laws pay attention to you or say please when you need something from them. Education should be fundamental in any person.
Tell them about your life , what you do, if you work, study or both, if you have a company/venture, what you like to do and what intentions you have for your child.
For your in-laws it will be important to know the story of how you and your child met, because here they will also be able to analyze a little about the type of person you are and the intentions you have. Let them know that you truly care about the relationship and feel comfortable.
Leave the tension aside and let your naturalness flow, in this way your in-laws will also be calmer and will not feel in a tense environment.
It is important that you leave your cell phone aside on this first date with your in-laws, because in addition to being considered rude to be on your mobile while you have people by your side, it is also uncomfortable for others, as it will make you feel that you are not interested the meeting for nothing.
Do not talk about political interests , sports or religion, as these topics will always generate discussion between people.

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