Basic topics that every couple should talk about

Many times we make the mistake of believing that the most important thing in a courtship or marriage is love and this is not the case, although it is a fundamental basis for carrying out a relationship, there are also other factors, such as communication, understanding, listen and speak. Regarding the latter, it is necessary to have a series of fundamental issues that every couple should talk about , to strengthen the relationship, establish their tastes, beliefs, dialogue when something is not right, among others.
Talking is a fundamental element in any relationship , because through this you can solve conflicts, clarify doubts, talk about your differences, issues of both or simply have a dialogue with your partner and thus nurture the relationship.
Fundamental topics to talk about with your partner
Life plans
Talking to your partner about your life plans is a fundamental issue that they should undoubtedly take into account, because in this way it allows you to know the goals they have for their life, what they want to do, how they project themselves and others. There is no doubt that listening to the person we love talk about their dreams is satisfying, inspiring, even so you will also determine if this person connects with you, in that they also want to get ahead, advance and grow professionally.
what they are passionate about
Knowing what both of you are passionate about is a fundamental topic to talk to your partner , as this will allow you to get to know your boyfriend/girlfriend a little better and as they tell you about it, you can ask them why they are passionate about it, in this way it will be done the conversation more interesting. Also, when you want to make him an invitation you can surprise him by taking him to the place he told you you liked, eat his favorite dish, give him the book he likes and you won't have to be asking him what he wants to do on every outing, he's ahead!
Have children
To talk to your partner about having children , you must already have had a couple of years, married or feel the full security and confidence that you can form a home with that person. Likewise, you should keep in mind that there are people who do not want to have children for whatever reason they have decided and it is up to you to accept their decision, share it and finish. In addition, it is necessary to respect the reasons why your partner decided not to have children or not to continue having them. This issue is a fundamental topic to discuss with your partner to avoid future discussions.
insecurities as a person
Knowing the insecurities as a person or complexes that our partner has is a fundamental issue that we must keep in mind at all times, because in this way we avoid a comment with which we can offend our partner and therefore feel bad. There is no doubt that when a person is insecure with some aspect of their body or way of being, they remain uncomfortable at any time, for this you can help your partner to strengthen those weaknesses and in the same way you will be making them feel more than good with you
Religion, politics, beliefs and customs
Without a doubt, these four words should be a fundamental topic that every couple should talk about and it is necessary to do so without disagreements to avoid discussions in the present and future. You may have grown up in a home with religion, political ideologies, beliefs and customs totally different from those of your partner, but this does not mean that they cannot have a relationship, on the contrary, there are experts who assure that having differences of this type with our partner makes the relationship good and different and you are getting out of the ordinary, but as we mentioned before, it is necessary to talk about it.
If they maintain a free union or marriage , it is necessary that they address this issue of finances , since they must take into account that living together , household expenses and couple outings must not only be paid by one all the time but by both. Your partner may want to ask you out and pay the bill, but this should not be all the time, as it will seem like you are just interested. Taking into account in a relationship the issue of finances and everything that the word money entails, means that later there are no problems or discussions because one of the two does not contribute financially.
sexual fantasies
Keeping in mind the sexual fantasies of your partner is important because it will allow you to know what their sexual fetishes are , what they would like to do and explore together, remember that in addition to being your partner, they are also your company and friendship. In addition, it is also a fundamental topic that every couple should talk about because you will not only know what they like but also what they dislike.
Just as it is important to talk about finances , sexual fantasies , insecurities and others, it is also essential to talk about household chores , how they are going to divide them, if one person is going to be paid or if one is going to work for the other. stay at home cleaning. This will allow the home to be organized and you will feel calm in the house, as well as your partner or both will feel proud of each other for making a space for this duty.

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