How do I know if my partner is unfaithful to me?

How do I know if my partner is unfaithful to me?

When we are in a marriage or courtship, trust is often lost due to infidelity committed by one of the two and it is difficult for the relationship to work again and for us to believe in our partner again. Many times we have asked ourselves the question of whether our partner has been or is unfaithful to us , but we do not know how to identify the situation. Here are some tips to know if our partner is unfaithful:

  1. It does not let you get close to your cell phone: Although the phone is for personal use, sometimes we tend to take our partner's cell phone to see the time or take a picture, and there are even couples who do not have problems with us using their cell phone whenever we want , the curious thing is when he begins not to let us see his cell phone and always keep it in his hand, also that he stays on calls or on WhatsApp for a long time even when they are together.

  2. They do not know what to answer and they change their stories: Without a doubt, this is one of the clearest signs that our partner is being unfaithful to us, since the lie begins to show. An example of this is that when he leaves work he calls you to tell you that he will be home later because he is going to a restaurant with the company and once he gets home and you ask him how the restaurant went, he asks you what which restaurant.

  3. He does not want to have sex with you: Although it is true that sometimes we feel tired and do not feel like having intimacies with our partner, since it becomes a repetitive habit, the fact of rejecting you can be a sign that he has had sexual encounters with another person and being unfaithful.

  4. He is defensive: This is related to his behavior, it may be that when you ask him about something in his routine he starts to get upset because he feels that you are interfering in his life, something that he did not used to do before. Also that he constantly plays the victim with things that you did not do and that you are not to blame either.

  5. He wants to go alone everywhere: Possibly he is one of those people who took you everywhere and enjoyed 100% of your company and from one moment to another simply stopped doing it, he no longer wants you to spend time together and does not include you in anything , he may be needing his space or secretly dating someone else.

It should be noted that before making claims, arguing or making him feel bad, talk to your partner , because you do not know if his behavior is associated with infidelity or because he is going through a bad time and does not want to tell you yet.


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