How to divide household chores with my partner?

Dividing household chores with your partner is often a challenge and chaos because one of the two is more organized than the other. In the relationship there is always someone who wants to see everything in its place, clean and impeccable, while the other organizes sporadically and leaves their belongings anywhere and at all times. When we have a disorganized couple with household chores, it is often difficult to have a relationship without arguments, especially if they already live together, which is why we will give you 5 tips on how to divide household chores with your partner.
To converse
Before speaking badly to your partner, making him feel bad about not doing things as they should be and starting an argument, it is important to talk , talk on good terms and that both are calm. When we talk to someone, in this case our partner, in a calm way, it allows them to pay attention to the message we are trying to convey and understand how we feel about household chores. Talking with our partner to divide the housework is the first step we must take to agree on what is going to be done.
Make a housework calendar
In the household chores calendar, together with your partner, you can organize the days of the week that each person has different days to clean, wash clothes, organize and cook. For example: Monday - Juancho does the cleaning (includes washing bathrooms) and cooks. Lorena washes the dishes, the clothes and organizes them in their respective place. Tuesday - Lorena cooks and cleans. Juancho washes the clothes and organizes them and so on. It is important to keep the home clean and organized between the two of you, this will avoid anger, arguments and bad comforts.
Hire a cleaning staff
If you both work, have external obligations and it is difficult for you to keep the house clean and organized, which therefore makes it difficult for you to divide the household chores , you can talk and set about hiring a cleaning staff , so that there are no discussions about money What they should do is pay one staff one week and the other pay the following week, and if the payment is per month, then organize it in the same way. Having a clean home allows you to eliminate stress and feel calmer.
Put yourself in the place of the other
Even if you think that this has nothing to do with dividing the household chores with your partner , well, we tell you that it is. What do we mean by this? Well. If one of you wakes up sick, indisposed and out of breath to organize the house, the couple can take care of doing the most they can that day and take care of that one. The same thing happens when one works and the other stays at home, the one who doesn't work can take care of doing most of the house cleaning and when the other person comes home from work they can help with dinner and organize a little, the important thing It is always putting yourself in the place of the other.
be a team
When both do not feel completely ready to divide the household chores, it is necessary that both help each other and be a team at all times, in this way conflicts, indifferences, preferences and others will be avoided. It has even been shown that cleaning the home as a couple strengthens the relationship, since they are doing a different activity.

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