How to strengthen intimacy with my partner?

A relationship, in addition to love, is based on different aspects such as respect, understanding, tolerance, sex, trust, support and many other things, so it is important to know how to choose who we are going to formalize a relationship with. relationship. On some occasions, toxic relationships tend to appear, which in addition to not contributing anything positive to your life, consume all the good things that make you stand out as a person.
In the same way, although we do not consider it important on some occasions, intimacy is essential in any relationship, be it during courtship or marriage, because through it a link is projected and transmitted that allows unifying and strengthening the relationship, allowing be more lasting, calm and loving.
It may be the case that they feel that intimacy is being lost in the relationship and we are desperate to find a solution, so we wonder how to strengthen intimacy with my partner. You may come to think that this is almost impossible to achieve, but it is not, everything will depend on what you do and how you do it.
Tips to strengthen intimacy with my partner
Change the sexual routine
Intimacy in a relationship should not be based on monotony, it is necessary to change the sexual routine, do and try different things, as well as to put aside the things that your partner does not enjoy, because you like it does not mean that to your partner too. It is important that they try new poses and that at some point they were afraid to dare to do them, once they have dedicated themselves to changing the sexual routine they will notice how intimacy with their partner is strengthened.
be honest
Strengthening intimacy with your partner should not simply start from sex, what you do and do not do, because it is also important to be honest with each other to determine the things you like and dislike during intimacy, because it is not the same to have relationships when one of the two is uncomfortable to when both feel pleasant. In the same way, being honest will strengthen the bond of the relationship, allowing them to be more united, calm and more confident.
Let go of expectations
When you enter a relationship and they are about to start a sexual life, it is important to put aside expectations about how my partner will be in intimacy, if I will feel good and if not, then we finish and many other things. This, in addition to being uncomfortable, shows that you do not love your partner, because you are only interested in sex. To strengthen intimacy with your partner , it is necessary that if something is not right, you talk about it in order to improve it, but leaving aside the misuse of words so that your partner does not feel offended.
know your body
We are all different and we have different tastes, so the same thing that you like will not be the same that your partner likes. Knowing your body allows you to identify if there is a certain sexual practice that you like or stimulation, which is helpful for your partner because you are giving him an idea about your sexual tastes, but it is also your role to know the tastes of your companion, therefore, in addition to having communication there will also be satisfaction.
Not having privacy by obligation
Not having intimacy out of obligation is a very important point to strengthen intimacy with your partner, because in addition to having authority over your life, you also let your partner know that this is not an obligation, but a moment that is given for pleasure. and pleasure of both. The intimate encounter is not a duty that they must exercise, but an act that is carried out at the request and satisfaction of both.

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