Is it a good idea to end a relationship on WhatsApp?

Is it a good idea to end a relationship on WhatsApp?

Every day it is more common to end a relationship through WhatsApp and other social networks, because for many people it is a simpler method that avoids a little pain and possible discussion. In addition, it is also a strategy so that the other person does not perceive the reactions and emotions of their partner, but this is not usually a good idea and here we will tell you why.

When we want to end a marriage or courtship and for some reason we are not close to our partner, we ask ourselves if it is a good idea to end a relationship on WhatsApp and the answer is no, because ending the relationship in a personal way is a healthier and more respectful way, even if it ended in an unpleasant way, it is better to end it in person.

Normally, people tend to end a relationship on WhatsApp for the following reasons:

Guilty feeling

Sometimes, people take the step of ending a relationship on WhatsApp because they feel some sense of guilt, either because they were unfaithful to their partner, told lies, caused trust to end, were to blame for the deterioration of love and it ends through WhatsApp because they are embarrassed to show their faces and that is when the regret of having made a mistake and failed in the relationship begins to emerge.

trouble expressing yourself

Many people have trouble expressing themselves, especially if it is for an important case, such as ending a relationship, because they are nervous or do not know what words to use to end the relationship. This is why some prefer to end a relationship on WhatsApp because this way they do not see the couple's face and it is a faster and apparently simpler method.

avoid giving explanations

In some cases, people tend to end a relationship on WhatsApp simply to avoid giving explanations, since it's just a matter of sending a message saying: "we're done, I don't want to be with you anymore" and that's it. Giving explanations, for this type of person, can be somewhat complicated, especially if it is in person, so it is easier for them to use this medium and leave everything behind as if nothing had happened.

On the other hand, the option of ending the relationship by WhatsApp can be considered as long as it is remote and that the relationship was too short, since there is not an extremely strong link to whether they were together for a long time or if the contact was consecutive.


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