Reasons not to get back with an ex

Reasons not to get back with an ex

On several occasions, people go back to their ex-partners simply because they are bored, they couldn't find someone else to be with, out of spite or to collect some infidelity or damage they did to them and all these are simply whims and excuses. Although it is clear that in some cases couples return because there is still love and because the reason that led them to break up can still be solved and it is not serious, but this occurs in a small percentage, that is why if you were waiting for a sign to not go back with your ex because here you will find the main reasons not to do it.

End is no more

It is presumed that when a relationship ends, in most cases, it is because you no longer want to be with that person or because something happened or they did that led to the breakup, so it is considered a ridiculous or unfavorable action to return with your former. Turn the page!.

you waste your time

Although it is true that in each event or relationship in our lives we do not waste time but rather we always learn something new, because going back with your ex would be wasting time that you can use to meet other people, enjoy your life and personal space, go out with your friends or just want to be alone.

hurt you

Remember to give yourself the value that you deserve as a person, that your feelings and time are worth and not just anyone deserves them, that you must have dignity and make yourself respected. It is not valid to return with that ex who hurt you so much and made you feel bad on many occasions as if you were not worth as a person.

You will not get over the relationship

Many people make the mistake of getting back with their ex simply to see if the same feeling still exists and when they realize that it is still intact, they prefer to stay in that relationship that hurt them, getting back with your ex will not make you get over it, quite the opposite. , your feelings are mixed up, you will get confused and hurt yourself again.

takes away your peace

If they fought almost daily, there were insults, mistreatment, physical and verbal abuse, they didn't let you do your personal things or live your life, don't believe the fact that overnight it will come and tell you that it has changed, no! On the contrary, he will try to manipulate you and spoil your peace.


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