Reasons why a relationship ends

The courtship of several years or a marriage ends for many reasons, sometimes it is due to infidelity, disrespect, psychological and physical abuse, among others, however, these are not the only reasons why a relationship ends, because they simply decide cut the link that unites them because they want to make their life without involving the couple, in this way they are ending the relationship in a healthy and respectful way, that even the majority continue in contact due to the affection they have for each other.
Below you will find some of the main reasons why a relationship ends:
no support
Supporting a person, in this case your partner, must be fundamental, not so much as an obligation but rather it must be born in you to do so, because if your partner does not feel supported by you, he will perceive that things are not right and in this way he will feel dissatisfied, reaching the point of ending the relationship.
Lack of affection and attention
During the relationship, your partner will want there to be spaces where love can flow between the two of you, but when there aren't, they will ask you for them and, feeling rejected, they will think that there isn't enough love. When we refer to receiving affection, it does not want to be based on sex, because holding hands, giving a hug or a short kiss, whether in private or in public, your partner will feel that you do love her and you give her attention.
give up easily
When you are in a courtship or marriage, it is normal for there to be moments of difficulty where the relationship becomes uncomfortable and complicated, but if you are a mature person and your partner is too, they will look for a way to make everything better, that is, to find a solution. There are couples who separate as soon as they see the first obstacle that comes their way and what they do is end the relationship and not fight for it even though they have been together for years.
Not getting along with your partner's family
Although in some cases they do not give much attention to this, because it is a delicate matter. When your partner comes from a very familiar or cozy home, it is logical that when they get into a stable relationship they will want their partner to become familiar with theirs and spend time together. In some cases there is no harmony between the couple and the in-laws, so sometimes there are conflicts in the relationship to the point that it ends.
Before living with your partner, you can start saving money between the two of you for a trip, an outing and so on, where both of you are the ones who contribute financially to your expenses and one does not depend on the other, so there will also be a good financial relationship between both and that at the time of moving in together or getting married they will already determine how to divide the expenses of the house, their own as well. Although in some cases there is no shortage of those who want to be supported and not contribute anything, which leads to a break due to lack of financial support.

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