Why do people have sex with their ex again?

Why do people have sex with their ex again?

Ending a dating relationship or marriage can be a painful moment for one of the two or both due to all the experiences and moments that they lived together. There are those who decide to cut any lapse of communication to forget their ex-partner, while there are others who prefer to keep in touch, although this is not recommended most of the time because the moment may arise when there will be a slip and you will end up with your ex in bed.

Having sex with your ex-partner is not recommended by experts , you may miss him, that you cannot be calm if you are not together, that you like how he was in bed and among other options, but it is not good to repeat this contact due to that there may be a possibility that one of the two still has feelings alive and by having a sexual encounter illusions, false expectations and hopes are being generated.

When the relationship with your ex is over there is an approximate time of 5 weeks in which you will feel deep sadness, melancholy and weakness with that person, that is, when you see your ex all those feelings will be stirred. In this time it may happen that he comes looking for you again to talk or have a meeting, it will be you who decides if you fall into the trap.

Studies have shown that men find it easier to have intimate encounters with their former partner because it only gives them satisfaction, while for women it brings about remorse and confusion of feelings.


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