8 signs to recognize that you are in a toxic relationship

8 signs to recognize that you are in a toxic relationship

Relationships are almost always difficult; But when there is trust and openness on the part of both people, everything can be overcome. However, there are other relationships in which a member has attitudes and behaviors that turn a dating or marriage into a toxic relationship.

Next, we are going to give you some signs that will help you identify if you are in a toxic relationship , even when your partner says they are super in love with you.

Signs to identify a toxic relationship

  1. If he doesn't let you be yourself; If the relationship is full of blame, criticism, and negative comments about the way you think, act, or dress, you should start preparing to get out of there. The normal thing is that he feels admiration for you, encourages him in what he does and congratulates you on your achievements.
  2. In healthy relationships, couples always support each other's development and well-being; they help you grow and be better. If yours, on the contrary, limits you, closes the doors and controls the people you see yourself with or the activities you do, you have a toxic relationship.
  3. Also, if your partner wants to control and know everything about you; you can't have anything private and he demands that you tell him who you are with, who you are talking to and where you are, so he is trying to control you, not to know you. This includes checking your mobile phone, your email, etc.
  4. He insults and belittles you both in private and in public. If it makes you doubt yourself and your worth as a person, you are in a toxic relationship.
  5. Criticize your friends and force you to spend more time with him / her with the excuse that he / she cannot live without you or something similar. It is fine that I want to spend a lot of time with you, but if you are increasingly losing contact with people important to you, that relationship is not healthy.
  6. He always wants to be right and makes you see that you are the one who is always wrong. Set your alarm to go off every time you describe what you do with absolutisms like "Always", "never", "all" or "nothing."
  7. In a relationship it is normal to have arguments, but when you are they are very repetitive and even strong and even violent, this is no longer normal. If you cannot express that something bothers you because it becomes more violent; if there are screams or threats; If you don't feel heard, you live in a toxic relationship.
  8. The normal thing is a healthy relationship is to feel more confidence than jealousy; If your partner shows jealousy towards you the most. Be careful because jealousy comes from the fear of losing you and with this control.


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