What happens to our brain when we are cheated on?

When we commit infidelity or they are unfaithful to us, we begin to perceive feelings of guilt in both cases. In the first, with the passing of days, our conscience begins to remove having cheated on our partner. And in the second we believe that we were to blame for our partner being unfaithful to us. The most recommended thing to do when there is infidelity involved is to leave our partner and cut any type of bond.
But well, what happens to our brain when we are unfaithful? Recently, the scientific journal PLoS One published an investigation in which it was revealed that unfaithful people develop dopamine differently , whose substance is related to pleasure and relaxation. In short, pain and happiness are affected, as these feelings no longer become an important event for people, making it easier and more satisfying for them to be unfaithful.
Once people start cheating, they feel less guilt as it becomes repetitive , as well as, the brain gets used to lying and cheating , becoming a habit. Likewise, the investigation assured that, whoever is unfaithful once will continue to do so.
Likewise, when people begin to notice that their partner does not realize that they are being unfaithful to them, that is, that the strategy is working for them, it is the moment in which they feel greater adrenaline, satisfaction and pleasure for continuing to do so, without taking into account that at some point said act will affect their life, emotions or feelings.
Likewise, the research also highlighted that, when a couple has been together for many years, in some cases dopamine may decrease, causing one of the two to seem attractive, attract attention or like other people to the point of reaching infidelity.

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