When should I attend couples therapy?

When should I attend couples therapy?

When entering a sentimental relationship, we must be aware that it will not be rosy at all times, because, just as there are good times, there are also bad times, as there will also be things that we do not like about our partner and that we too we will have things that that special person will not like. Likewise, discussions and disagreements will not be lacking, it will only be a matter of knowing how to control them or leave them aside.

In addition, discussions usually occur when not much is shared with the couple due to work schedules, study schedules, alternate commitments, among others. The main thing in this case will be to establish a schedule that allows them to identify what day and at what time they can go out to have fun and enjoy a pleasant time together.

It is necessary to take into account that maintaining a sentimental relationship is not easy, because there will be nonconformities, lack of commitment, of time, sometimes they will not feel good due to attitudes and behaviors that one of the two has and that can generate strong discussions to to the point of being physically or emotionally injured by either of them. In this case, it is advisable to attend couples therapy.

Mainly, couples therapy is a resource used in a sentimental relationship to solve the problems that arise in it. It should be noted that few couples decide to take the step of attending therapy, as many see it as unnecessary, even though they are truly experiencing serious conflicts.

Even, there are many people who wonder when I should attend couples therapy and here we will tell you.

  1. When there is monotony and boredom during the relationship.
  2. Erectile dysfunction occurs in men or orgasms do not occur in women. That is, problems in intimacy.
  3. They frequently argue for no reason and verbal and/or physical abuse occurs.
  4. Infidelities.
  5. Communication and understanding problems.
  6. Difficulties in the educational process of children.
  7. Distrust.
  8. When there is no order to divide the household chores.
  9. Jealousy.
  10. Fertility problems.
  11. Bad coexistence.
  12. Lack of support in both personal and partner projects.

Identifying when I should attend couples therapy is an important step to take because both still love each other and want to continue sharing together, but they do not know how to solve their conflicts and decide to make this decision. There are those who continue to be together after attending couples therapy , but others who do not, because this works for them to determine if it is convenient to continue the relationship or not.


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