Why do I remember my ex partner?

Why do I remember my ex partner?

Many times breaking up with your partner has health consequences, where you suffer from insomnia, stress, anxiety, bad thoughts, among others. And all this may be due to the fact that the relationship did not end on good terms, which leads us to feel guilty about the breakup even if it is not.

Sometimes, when we are sure that we have overcome that toxic relationship, that wounds have already been healed and the page has been turned, we begin to remember our ex-partner or remember some of their actions, but well, why do I remember my ex? Stay in this article that here we will tell you.

Remembering our ex is not as bad as they make it out to be, although if you are already in a relationship and you remember him feeling that you miss him, it is because you have not gotten over him, which is wrong. But anyway, returning to the main topic, sometimes remembering our ex-partner is remembering a part of our life that taught us some things, even if the relationship has been toxic, because we have already learned to determine when a person is toxic and so on.

It may also be because we remember our ex because we are still grieving, that is, we have not gotten over the fact that the relationship has ended, which is why when the relationship comes to an end you should take some time to digest what happened and forget it. , Well, messing with a person as soon as you finish with your ex to "forget" him, the only thing you achieve is to hurt yourself and stir all the feelings, so you will be the same or worse.

Regret can also be one of the reasons why you keep remembering your ex, but keep in mind that if you gave your best, you were a good partner, faithful, you respected the relationship and that the only thing that person did was make you feel wrong all the time and not value yourself because you have no reason to be sorry.


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