How to know that I am in a toxic relationship?
Toxic relationships have always been present and it's not that much has changed, it's just that today the term 'toxic relationships' is attributed to it, which means that your partner wants to manipulate you, that you are together all the time, Obsessive jealousy, wanting to appropriate your time, space and personal life, making use of your personal things, physically and verbally mistreating you, among others. It is important that you identify when you are in a toxic relationship to know when to leave and the matter does not escalate, which is why in this article you will know if your partner is toxic.
It doesn't respect your privacy.
He's upset that you go out with your friends and that he doesn't come, or he just doesn't like the fact that you have friends.
He doesn't like that you have your privacy.
He wants to control your schedules and everything you do in the day.
He emotionally blackmails you.
To tell you that without him/her you are worth nothing.
You spend more time crying than smiling.
It demands too much of you.
He compares you to his former partners.
To calm his anger, he asks you to have sex.
You are constantly disrespected.
He doesn't want you spending time with your family.
It makes you feel like your opinions are not important.
He blames you for his personal and relationship problems.
Pretends to be right all the time and dulls your ideas.
What should I do to avoid falling into a toxic relationship?
Talk about the problems they are going through. This will allow them not to repress things and over time it will become a big problem that is difficult to solve, which would lead to a relationship full of conflicts and toxic.
Pay attention to negative behaviors. You should comment on them to your partner and tell him/her about the attitudes you don't like, it will be his/her decision if he/she improves.
Pay attention to your intuition. Many times we believe that this is not important, but it is, it is like our subconscious trying to tell us that something is going to happen.
Say 'no' when we don't want to do something we don't feel comfortable with.
Respect your partner, their decisions, opinions, tastes and beliefs.
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