Dividing household chores with your partner often generates conflicts, challenges and chaos because one of the two is more organized than the other.
How do I know when I should end the relationship?
On many occasions there is always one of the two who is more in love, therefore it is the one who has the most difficulty finishing and finding the time to do it.
5 signs that your ex wants to get back with you
It should be noted that when you break up with your ex and assume going back with that person, you should take into account how the relationship was, if it was not toxic and else.
Why do people have sex with their ex again?
There are those who decide to cut the communication gap to forget their former partner, while there are others who prefer to keep in touch, it is not recommended.
How do I know if my partner is unfaithful to me?
Before complaining or arguing, you should talk to your partner, because you don't know if their behavior is associated with infidelity or bad timing.
What should I do if my ex texts me?
If you still have feelings for your ex-partner and resuming the relationship is not among your options, then do not reply to the message, ignore it or simply delete it.
Why does getting back with my ex affect my mental health?
Those relationships that constantly end and reconcile after a short time are considered as attitudes related to abuse and lack of commitment
10 tips to make my in-laws like me
Both men and women have felt fear at some point, because for us it is important to have the approval of our partner's parents.
Why not take revenge on my ex if he was unfaithful to me?
When they break up with their ex, many people think of continuing the relationship to take revenge and for their partner to feel the pain they suffered when they were unfaithful.
Why keep making friends with my ex?
Yes, there is the possibility that you and your ex are still friends and it happens more than anything in courtships that end after many years or marriages.
How to regain trust with my partner
One of the reasons why the relationship ends is because the trust between the couple is damaged, either because someone was unfaithful, lied, did something wrong
Why do I remember my ex partner?
When we are sure that we have overcome that relationship, that wounds have already been healed and the page has been turned, we begin to remember our former partner.